For all Refund ApplicantsIn connection with our present alternative work arrangements, please direct your queries Re: RSBS Accelerated Refund of Contributions from Monday to Fridays, 8:00am to 3:00pm only, to any of the following numbers: GLOBE : 09277625124 / 09662151623 SMART : 09999162438 / 09293125183 PLDT : (02) 89110194 / (02) 89118714 Email us : [email protected] Refund of Member's Contributions plus interest thereon shall be released to your payroll account with Land Bank of the Philippines. All receipients shall be notified via a system-generated text message. Further, for Retired/Separated/CDD/Resigned/Discharged/Reverted or Posthumous claims, kindly submit the required documents to your respective Major Service Adjutants who in Turn will certify the authenticity of these documents and transmits the same to OJ1 for their endorsement to the AFPRSBS. The same process shall apply for submission of folders for Accelerated Refund. In Response to Covid 2019 thereat and to enable us to focus on refund processing, NO WALK-INS will be entertained at the RSBS office in Camp Aguinaldo. |